Tuesday, September 21, 2010


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Sustainable systems are more than just energy efficient; they can be space and experience making tools.
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By overlapping different passive systems/sustainable systems, interesting and emotionally evocative space can be formed.  These systems possess the power to create experiences that will rediscover the meaning of the sustainable system. The user will be immersed in a space revolving around these systems – being forced to interact with these systems as opposed to being forced to interact with the mechanical systems that so overwhelm the built environment.

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By looking at these systems in a different light, space can start to be defined by them.  The experiences generated by these systems will be fully tangible and will elicit multiple senses.  The sensory experience itself will be intriguing, but the power behind it will be in clear sight and available to the user.  Direct interaction will allow for knowledge of these systems to be passed on to those who use the space. 

The issues being addressed will reside in developing these systems so they integrate with space more efficiently.  The systems will not be held back at space making, but will also continue to act as generators of heat, cold, energy, water, etc.  The systems will be show in action, both generating intangible elements such as electricity, and tangible things such as light, wind, water, smells. 

The systems will undoubtedly overlap. At these overlaps, the systems will melt into one another, creating multi-faceted systems capable of accomplishing many goals and creating complex and exciting experiences within spaces that will be formed in an equal but different manner.  


  1. I feel that sustainable systems are a great topic to educate the public about, however you should be careful about the extent to which the public is 'forced' to experience these systems. Placing these systems on display does not need to be done overwhelmingly as existing mechanical systems tend to become invisible to the average viewer anyway. Also, use the local environment as a driving factor for the design of this project and be careful not to allow sustainable systems to drive the project too much. This may result in the building itself merely becoming a mundane vehicle simply used to house these systems. Develop the two hand in hand.

  2. I'm starting to think I want the building to be a meshing of sustainable systems. I wan't everything in the building to be formed by these systems.

  3. I'm still connecting your project with wind turbines:
